TTD disciplines 18 employees for participating in non-Hindu activities, barring them from temple duties. TTD disciplina a 18 empleados por participar en actividades no hindúes, impidiéndoles las tareas del templo.
The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD), which manages a major Hindu temple in Andhra Pradesh, India, has taken disciplinary action against 18 employees for participating in non-Hindu religious activities. El Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD), que administra un importante templo hindú en Andhra Pradesh, India, ha tomado medidas disciplinarias contra 18 empleados por participar en actividades religiosas no hindúes. Employees, including teachers and administrative staff, were found to be engaging in practices inconsistent with Hindu traditions. Se comprobó que los empleados, incluidos los maestros y el personal administrativo, participaban en prácticas contrarias a las tradiciones hindúes. They have been barred from temple-related duties and offered the option to transfer to other government positions or take voluntary retirement to maintain the temple's religious integrity. Se les ha excluido de los deberes relacionados con el templo y se les ha ofrecido la opción de transferir a otros puestos del gobierno o tomar retiro voluntario para mantener la integridad religiosa del templo.