Turner Classic Movies honors MLK with a 24-hour Civil Rights-themed film marathon on his holiday. Turner Classic Movies honra a MLK con una maratón de cine de 24 horas con temática de derechos civiles en sus vacaciones.
Turner Classic Movies (TCM) will honor Martin Luther King Jr. on his holiday with a 24-hour film marathon on January 20, showcasing movies that focus on the fight against racism. Turner Classic Movies (TCM) honrará a Martin Luther King Jr. en sus vacaciones con un maratón de cine de 24 horas el 20 de enero, mostrando películas que se centran en la lucha contra el racismo. The lineup includes films like "A Patch of Blue," "The Learning Tree," "Sounder," and "Boycott," which depict struggles and triumphs in the Civil Rights Movement. La alineación incluye películas como "A Patch of Blue", "The Learning Tree", "Sounder" y "Boycott", que representan luchas y triunfos en el Movimiento por los Derechos Civiles. The marathon also features documentaries and includes appearances or characters of Coretta Scott King. La maratón también cuenta con documentales e incluye apariciones o personajes de Coretta Scott King.