Longtime 9News Queensland presenter Andrew 'Lofty' Lofthouse retires due to health reasons. Largas noticias Andrew 'Lofty' Lofthouse, presentador de Queensland, se retira por razones de salud.
Andrew 'Lofty' Lofthouse, a 9News Queensland presenter for 17 years, has announced his retirement to focus on his health. Andrew 'Lofty' Lofthouse, un presentador de 9News Queensland desde hace 17 años, ha anunciado su jubilación para centrarse en su salud. Lofthouse, known for his partnership with Melissa Downes for 16 years, has covered major events like Queensland floods, Cyclone Yasi, and the Christchurch earthquake. Lofthouse, conocido por su asociación con Melissa Downes desde hace 16 años, ha cubierto eventos importantes como las inundaciones de Queensland, el ciclón Yasi y el terremoto de Christchurch. His career will be celebrated in tonight's 6 pm bulletin. Su trayectoria será homenajeada en el boletín de esta noche a las 18 horas. Downes will continue alone until a co-presenter is chosen. Downes continuará solo hasta que se elija un co-presentador.