Forest fire near Hiroshima likely sparked by military exercises; 60 firefighters and helicopters respond. Incendio forestal cerca de Hiroshima probablemente provocado por ejercicios militares; 60 bomberos y helicópteros responden.
A forest fire broke out in Hiroshima, Japan, near a military training area, potentially sparked by nearby military exercises. Un incendio forestal estalló en Hiroshima, Japón, cerca de una zona de entrenamiento militar, potencialmente provocado por ejercicios militares cercanos. About 60 firefighters and four helicopters fought the fire, which affected two hectares of forest. Unos 60 bomberos y cuatro helicópteros combatieron el incendio, que afectó a dos hectáreas de bosque. As a precaution, residents of a nearby nursing home were asked to evacuate. Como precaución, se pidió a los residentes de un hogar de ancianos cercano que evacuaran. The fire occurred during a dry spell, and the cause is under investigation. El incendio ocurrió durante un período de sequía, y la causa está bajo investigación. No injuries were reported. No se informó de heridos.