Interstate 19 near Nogales closed due to a fatal rollover crash; no reopening time given. La carretera interestatal 19 cerca de Nogales se cerró debido a un accidente fatal de vuelco; no se dio tiempo de reapertura.
Interstate 19 near Nogales, Arizona, has been completely closed in both directions due to a fatal crash involving a rollover. La Interestatal 19 cerca de Nogales, Arizona, ha sido completamente cerrada en ambas direcciones debido a un accidente fatal que implica un vuelco. The accident, which occurred near State Route 289, has led to at least one fatality. El accidente, ocurrido cerca de la Ruta Estatal 289, ha provocado al menos una muerte. ADOT advises drivers to exit at Mariposa Road and seek alternate routes, as there is no estimated time for the reopening of the freeway. ADOT aconseja a los conductores que salgan de Mariposa Road y busquen rutas alternativas, ya que no hay tiempo estimado para la reapertura de la autopista.