Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan stabbed by intruder in attempted robbery at his Mumbai home. El actor de Bollywood, Saif Ali Khan, apuñalado por un intruso en un intento de robo en su casa de Mumbai.
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured after an intruder broke into his Mumbai home early Thursday morning. El actor de Bollywood, Saif Ali Khan, resultó herido después de que un intruso irrumpiera en su casa de Mumbai el jueves por la mañana. During a confrontation, the intruder allegedly stabbed Khan multiple times before fleeing. Durante un enfrentamiento, el intruso supuestamente apuñaló a Khan varias veces antes de huir. Khan, who was sleeping with his family, was taken to Lilavati Hospital for treatment. Khan, que estaba durmiendo con su familia, fue llevado al hospital de Lilavati para recibir tratamiento. The Mumbai Police are investigating the incident, which is believed to be a robbery attempt. La policía de Mumbai está investigando el incidente, que se cree es un intento de robo. The extent of Khan's injuries is unclear, but sources suggest they are not life-threatening. El alcance de las lesiones de Khan no está claro, pero las fuentes sugieren que no son potencialmente mortales.