Two people were stabbed in Stoughton, MA; one suspect is in custody, and both victims were hospitalized. Dos personas fueron apuñaladas en Stoughton, MA; un sospechoso está detenido, y ambas víctimas fueron hospitalizadas.
In Stoughton, Massachusetts, two individuals were stabbed on Sunday night during a reported disturbance at the North Stoughton Village Apartments on Page Terrace. En Stoughton, Massachusetts, dos individuos fueron apuñalados el domingo por la noche durante un disturbio reportado en los Apartamentos North Stoughton Village en Page Terrace. Both victims were seriously injured and taken to hospitals, with one transported by medical helicopter. Ambas víctimas resultaron gravemente heridas y fueron trasladadas a hospitales, una de las cuales fue transportada en helicóptero médico. Police have one suspect in custody and state there is no public danger. La policía tiene a un sospechoso bajo custodia y no hay peligro público. The investigation is ongoing. La investigación sigue en curso.