South Korean actor Lee Yoon Hee, known for "Secret Sunshine," died suddenly at 64 on January 11. El actor surcoreano Lee Yoon Hee, conocido por "Secret Sunshine", murió repentinamente el 11 de enero a los 64 años.
South Korean actor Lee Yoon Hee passed away at 64 on January 11. El actor surcoreano Lee Yoon Hee falleció a los 64 años el 11 de enero. Known for roles in films like "Secret Sunshine" and "Miracle in Cell No. Conocido por papeles en películas como "Secret Sunshine" y "Miracle in Cell No. 7," Lee had recently signed an exclusive contract with Beom Entertainment. 7", Lee había firmado recientemente un contrato exclusivo con Beom Entertainment. His sudden death has shocked the entertainment industry; no prior medical conditions were reported. Su muerte repentina ha conmocionado a la industria del entretenimiento; no se informó de condiciones médicas previas. Lee's funeral will be held on January 13. El funeral de Lee tendrá lugar el 13 de enero.