The Masked Singer UK returns with "Toad in the Hole" puzzling judges with a performance of "Valerie." The Masked Singer UK regresa con jueces desconcertantes de "Toad in the Hole" con una actuación de "Valerie".
The Masked Singer UK is back with celebrities hiding their identities in elaborate costumes. The Masked Singer UK está de vuelta con celebridades escondiendo sus identidades en trajes elaborados. One contestant, "Toad in the Hole," has confused the judges with their performance and costume. Un concursante, "Toad in the Hole", ha confundido a los jueces con su actuación y vestuario. After singing Amy Winehouse's "Valerie," Toad in the Hole received praise for their voice. Después de cantar "Valerie" de Amy Winehouse, Toad in the Hole recibió elogios por su voz. Bookmakers suggest the contestant could be former BBC Radio 1 presenter Annie Mac, singer Macy Gray, or boxer Mike Tyson. Los corredores de apuestas sugieren que el concursante podría ser la ex presentadora de BBC Radio 1 Annie Mac, la cantante Macy Gray, o el boxeador Mike Tyson.