Morrison Construction and Glasgow Science Centre partner to offer free STEM resources and access to local schools. Morrison Construction y Glasgow Science Centre se asocian para ofrecer recursos STEM gratuitos y acceso a las escuelas locales.
Morrison Construction Building Central and Glasgow Science Centre have partnered to offer free memberships to several schools near their projects. Morrison Construction Building Central y Glasgow Science Centre se han asociado para ofrecer membresías gratuitas a varias escuelas cercanas a sus proyectos. Participating schools gain access to STEM resources, teacher training, and visits to the Glasgow Science Centre, including its STEM Futures program. Las escuelas participantes obtienen acceso a los recursos de STEM, formación de profesores y visitas al Centro de Ciencias de Glasgow, incluido su programa STEM Futures. The initiative aims to inspire students toward careers in STEM fields and provide them with essential skills for future industries. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo inspirar a los estudiantes hacia carreras en campos STEM y proporcionarles habilidades esenciales para industrias futuras.