Dr. Emmanuel Hostin, co-host Sunny Hostin's husband, is accused in a major New York insurance fraud case. El Dr. Emmanuel Hostin, co-anfitrión del marido de Sunny Hostin, es acusado en un importante caso de fraude de seguros en Nueva York.
Dr. Emmanuel Hostin, husband of "The View" co-host Sunny Hostin, is one of nearly 200 defendants in a major RICO case involving insurance fraud in New York. El Dr. Emmanuel Hostin, esposo del co-presentador de "The View" Sunny Hostin, es uno de los casi 200 acusados en un importante caso RICO que involucra fraude de seguros en Nueva York. He is accused of performing unnecessary surgeries and fraudulently billing American Transit, which insures taxi drivers and ride-share drivers, in exchange for kickbacks. Se le acusa de realizar cirugías innecesarias y facturar fraudulentamente a American Transit, que asegura a los taxistas y a los conductores de auto-compartición, a cambio de sobornos. Dr. Hostin's attorney denies the allegations, calling the lawsuit "meritless." El abogado del Dr. Hostin niega las acusaciones, llamando a la demanda "sin méritos".