Ohio State's Emeka Egbuka and Jeremiah Smith scored key touchdowns, giving them a strong 24-0 lead over Oregon in the Rose Bowl. Emeka Egbuka y Jeremiah Smith, de Ohio State, anotaron touchdowns clave, dándoles una fuerte ventaja 24-0 sobre Oregon en el Rose Bowl.
In the Rose Bowl, Ohio State's Emeka Egbuka and Jeremiah Smith made key touchdown contributions, helping secure an early 14-0 and later a 24-0 lead against Oregon. En el Rose Bowl, Emeka Egbuka y Jeremiah Smith del estado de Ohio hicieron contribuciones de touchdown clave, ayudando a asegurar un 14-0 temprano y más tarde una ventaja de 24-0 contra Oregon. Egbuka's touchdown reception set the tone, followed by Smith's 45-yard catch, showcasing the Buckeyes' strong start in the prestigious game. La recepción del touchdown de Egbuka marcó el tono, seguido por la captura de 45 yardas de Smith, mostrando el fuerte comienzo de los Buckeyes en el prestigioso juego.