WisdomTree ETFs pay dividends to investors, with DGRS, DGRW, and DGRE set for $0.04 distributions. WisdomTree ETFs pagan dividendos a los inversores, con DGRS, DGRW, y DGRE fijado para $0.04 distribuciones.
Several WisdomTree ETFs declared $0.04 dividends per share, payable on January 3rd to investors of record on December 31st. Varios WisdomTree ETFs declararon $0.04 dividendos por acción, pagaderos el 3 de enero a los inversores de registro el 31 de diciembre. The ETFs focus on dividend-paying US and emerging market stocks with growth potential. Las ETF se centran en las acciones de los Estados Unidos y los mercados emergentes que pagan dividendos con potencial de crecimiento. As of December 31st, WisdomTree U.S. SmallCap Quality Dividend Growth Fund (DGRS) traded at $51.23, U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Fund (DGRW) at $80.93, and Emerging Markets Quality Dividend Growth Fund (DGRE) at $25.02. Al 31 de diciembre, WisdomTree U.S. SmallCap Quality Dividend Growth Fund (DGRS) cotizaba a 51,23 dólares, U.S. Quality Dividend Growth Fund (DGRW) a 80,93 dólares y Emerging Markets Quality Dividend Growth Fund (DGRE) a 25,02 dólares.