Three individuals, including Tylim Hatchett's parents, are charged in his neglect-related death. Tres individuos, incluyendo a los padres de Tylim Hatchett, son acusados por su muerte relacionada con el abandono.
Three individuals, including Tylim Hatchett's parents and a caregiver, are charged in his death due to neglect. Tres individuos, incluyendo a los padres de Tylim Hatchett y un cuidador, son acusados en su muerte debido a negligencia. The 21-year-old, who had cerebral palsy and was in a wheelchair, was left without food and care, leading to his starvation. El niño de 21 años, que tenía parálisis cerebral y estaba en una silla de ruedas, se quedó sin alimentos y cuidados, lo que llevó a su inanición. His mother, Sherrilynn Hawkins, faces murder charges, while caregiver Loretta Harris faces theft charges. Su madre, Sherrilynn Hawkins, enfrenta cargos de asesinato, mientras que la cuidadora Loretta Harris enfrenta cargos de robo. Vernon Hatchett, his father, is charged with involuntary manslaughter but is at large. Vernon Hatchett, su padre, está acusado de homicidio involuntario, pero está en libertad.