Seven humanoid robots, including the "Honghu," debuted in Chengdu to serve at the 2025 World Games. Siete robots humanoides, incluyendo el "Honghu", debutaron en Chengdu para servir en los Juegos Mundiales de 2025.
Seven humanoid robots, developed by the Chengdu Humanoid Robot Innovation Center Co., Ltd., made their debut in Chengdu, China, to prepare for the World Games 2025. Siete robots humanoides, desarrollados por Chengdu Humanoid Robot Innovation Center Co., Ltd., hicieron su debut en Chengdu, China, para prepararse para los Juegos Mundiales 2025. These robots, including the advanced "Honghu," will serve various roles like torch relay, sports exhibitions, and retail services. Estos robots, incluyendo el avanzado "Honghu", servirán varios papeles como relé de antorchas, exposiciones deportivas y servicios minoristas. The World Games, an international event for non-Olympic sports, will be held in Chengdu from August 7 to 17, 2025. Los Juegos Mundiales, un evento internacional para los deportes no olímpicos, se celebrarán en Chengdu del 7 al 17 de agosto de 2025.