Punjabi rapper AP Dhillon opts out of Bollywood songs to stay true to his independent music. El rapero Punjabi AP Dhillon opta por salirse de las canciones de Bollywood para mantenerse fiel a su música independiente.
Punjabi rapper AP Dhillon has decided not to make songs for Bollywood films, preferring to release independent albums. El rapero Punjabi AP Dhillon ha decidido no hacer canciones para películas de Bollywood, prefiriendo lanzar álbumes independientes. In a podcast, he explained that he wants to avoid "selling his music" and inspire new artists to stay true to their art. En un podcast, explicó que quiere evitar "vender su música" e inspirar a nuevos artistas a mantenerse fieles a su arte. Despite working on a Hindi song, it is not for a film, reflecting his commitment to the independent music scene. A pesar de trabajar en una canción hindi, no es para una película, reflejando su compromiso con la escena musical independiente.