Jamie Allan Clements-Earl faces charges for breaking into a home, assaulting the owner, and setting it on fire. Jamie Allan Clements-Earl se enfrenta a cargos por irrumpir en una casa, agredir al dueño y prenderle fuego.
Jamie Allan Clements-Earl, 32, from Spring Ridge, was denied bail and faces charges of aggravated break and enter, reckless wounding, and setting fire to a house to injure a person inside, allegedly committed on March 5 and 6. Jamie Allan Clements-Earl, de 32 años, de Spring Ridge, fue privado de la libertad bajo fianza y se enfrenta a cargos de allanamiento agravado, heridas imprudentes e incendio de una casa para herir a una persona en su interior, presuntamente cometido los días 5 y 6 de marzo. Clements-Earl and two others are accused of breaking into a home, assaulting the female owner, and setting the house ablaze. Clements-Earl y otros dos están acusados de irrumpir en una casa, agredir a la dueña y incendiar la casa. He will next appear in court on January 15 to enter his plea. A continuación comparecerá ante el tribunal el 15 de enero para presentar su alegato.