Cumbria and Lake District rename popular spots with festive names for Christmas. Cumbria y el Distrito de los Lagos renombran lugares populares con nombres festivos para Navidad.
In a festive move, Cumbria and the Lake District in the UK have proposed Christmas-themed names for popular locations. En un movimiento festivo, Cumbria y el Distrito de los Lagos en el Reino Unido han propuesto nombres de temática navideña para lugares populares. Catbells is now "Jinglebells," Scafell Pike is "Santa's Peak," Windermere is "Wintermere," Grasmere is "Grinchmere," and Ullswater could be "Yule-swater" or "Clauswater." Catbells ahora es "Jinglebells", Scafell Pike es "Santa's Peak", Windermere es "Wintermere", Grasmere es "Grinchmere" y Ullswater podría ser "Yule-swater" o "Clauswater". Other spots like Maryport and Whitehaven are renamed "Merryport" and "White Christmas Haven," respectively. Otros lugares como Maryport y Whitehaven pasan a llamarse "Merryport" y "White Christmas Haven", respectivamente. The initiative aims to add cheer to the holiday season. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo agregar alegría a la temporada navideña.