Jonathan Ross launches "Haunted Homecoming," exploring paranormal activities in his old London neighborhood on Really and discovery+. Jonathan Ross lanza "Haunted Homecoming", explorando actividades paranormales en su antiguo barrio londinense en Realy y Discovery+.
Television host Jonathan Ross embarks on a paranormal investigation series called "Haunted Homecoming," airing December 20 on Really and on discovery+. El presentador de televisión Jonathan Ross se embarca en una serie de investigación paranormal llamada "Haunted Homecoming", que se transmite el 20 de diciembre en Realy and on discovery+. Ross explores his old East London neighborhood with psychic Ian Lawman and investigator Dr. Kate Cherrell, delving into dark histories and ghostly occurrences, including a haunting at his childhood home and Epping Forest. Ross explora su antiguo barrio del este de Londres con el psíquico Ian Lawman y la investigadora Dra. Kate Cherrell, profundizando en historias oscuras y sucesos fantasmales, incluyendo un embrujo en su casa de la infancia y Epping Forest.