Derry Girls star Siobhán McSweeney will host "The Traitors Ireland," a new reality game show airing in 2025. Siobhán McSweeney, estrella de Derry Girls, será la anfitriona de "The Traitors Ireland", un nuevo reality show que se estrenará en 2025.
Derry Girls star Siobhán McSweeney will host "The Traitors Ireland," a reality show set to air in 2025 on RTÉ One and RTÉ Player. Siobhán McSweeney, estrella de Derry Girls, será la anfitriona de "The Traitors Ireland", un reality show que saldrá al aire en 2025 en RTÉ One y RTÉ Player. In the show, 22 contestants compete in a game where some are "Traitors" trying to eliminate others without being caught, while others, known as "Faithfuls," aim to identify and eliminate the Traitors. En el espectáculo, 22 concursantes compiten en un juego donde algunos son "Traidores" tratando de eliminar a otros sin ser capturados, mientras que otros, conocidos como "Fieles", tienen como objetivo identificar y eliminar a los Traidores. The series, featuring contestants from across Ireland, offers a €50,000 prize. La serie, en la que participan concursantes de toda Irlanda, ofrece un premio de 50.000 €.