Vikings' Justin Jefferson pays tribute to cancer-stricken legend Randy Moss with a touchdown celebration. Justin Jefferson, de los vikingos, rinde homenaje a la leyenda del cáncer Randy Moss con una celebración de touchdown.
Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Justin Jefferson paid tribute to Hall of Fame wide receiver Randy Moss during a recent game, shouting "We love you, Randy!" El receptor amplio de Minnesota Vikings Justin Jefferson rindió tributo al receptor amplio de Hall of Fame Randy Moss durante un juego reciente, gritando "¡Te amamos, Randy!" and forming a heart with his fingers after scoring a touchdown. y formando un corazón con sus dedos después de marcar un touchdown. Moss, who spent eight years with the Vikings and is battling cancer, expressed his gratitude on social media. Moss, quien pasó ocho años con los vikingos y está luchando contra el cáncer, expresó su gratitud en las redes sociales. Jefferson has been in touch with Moss, sending well wishes and keeping him in his prayers. Jefferson ha estado en contacto con Moss, enviándole buenos deseos y manteniéndolo en sus oraciones.