Charges dropped for four protesters who disrupted the 2023 Giller Prize over Scotiabank's investments. Se retiraron los cargos por cuatro manifestantes que interrumpieron el Premio Giller 2023 por las inversiones de Scotiabank.
Four out of five protesters who disrupted the 2023 Giller Prize ceremony by carrying signs accusing Scotiabank of funding genocide through its investment in Israeli arms manufacturer Elbit Systems have had their charges dropped. Cuatro de cada cinco manifestantes que interrumpieron la ceremonia del Premio Giller 2023 llevando carteles acusando a Scotiabank de financiar el genocidio a través de su inversión en el fabricante israelí de armas Elbit Systems han sido retirados de sus cargos. The fifth protester's charges remain pending. Los cargos del quinto manifestante permanecen pendientes. The protesters, part of the group CanLit Responds, were initially charged with criminal mischief and using a forged document to enter the event. Los manifestantes, parte del grupo CanLit Responses, fueron inicialmente acusados de maldad criminal y usaron un documento falsificado para entrar en el evento. The Giller Foundation has stated its full support for freedom of speech and the right to protest. La Fundación Giller ha manifestado su pleno apoyo a la libertad de expresión y al derecho de protesta.