A 2.7 magnitude earthquake struck near Tawau, Malaysia, with no significant incidents reported. Un terremoto de 2,7 magnitudes azotó cerca de Tawau (Malasia) y no se informó de incidentes significativos.
A minor 2.7 magnitude earthquake struck near Tawau, Malaysia, at 4:54 am local time. Un terremoto menor de 2,7 magnitudes golpeó cerca de Tawau, Malasia, a las 4:54 am hora local. The epicenter was located at 4.5° North and 118.1° East, approximately 17 kilometers from Tawau town. El epicentro estaba situado a 4,5° Norte y 118,1° Este, aproximadamente a 17 kilómetros de la ciudad de Tawau. Tremors were felt in the area, but no significant incidents were reported. Se sintieron temblores en la zona, pero no se informó de incidentes significativos. The Malaysian Meteorological Department is monitoring the situation and encourages residents who felt the quake to fill out a questionnaire. El Departamento Meteorológico de Malasia está monitoreando la situación y alienta a los residentes que sintieron el terremoto a llenar un cuestionario.