Former con artist Anna Delvey appeared on "Dancing With the Stars" finale, contradicting her earlier dismissive stance. La ex artista de la estafa Anna Delvey apareció en el final de "Dancing With the Stars", contradiciendo su anterior postura despectiva.
Anna Delvey, known as the "fake heiress," recently appeared on the finale of "Dancing With the Stars" after being eliminated early in the season. Anna Delvey, conocida como la "heredera falsa", apareció recientemente en el final de "Dancing With the Stars" después de ser eliminada a principios de la temporada. In the finale, she danced to Whitney Houston's "I Have Nothing" with her partner Ezra Sosa, seemingly poking fun at her earlier claim of taking "nothing" from the show. En el final, ella bailó a Whitney Houston "I Have Nothing" con su compañero Ezra Sosa, aparentemente divirtiéndose en su reclamo anterior de no tomar "nada" del show. Delvey later admitted she enjoyed the experience, contradicting her initial dismissive comments. Más tarde Delvey admitió que disfrutaba de la experiencia, contradiciendo sus comentarios iniciales despectivos. She is now working on a documentary and a book. Ahora está trabajando en un documental y en un libro.