Palestinian teens win global entrepreneurship contest with water purification device. Los adolescentes palestinos ganan el concurso global de emprendimiento con el dispositivo de purificación de agua.
Two Palestinian teens, Issa Odeh, 18, and Antony Saleh, 17, won the World Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge with their innovative water monitoring and purification device, Water World. Dos adolescentes palestinos, Issa Odeh, de 18 años, y Antony Saleh, de 17, ganaron el World Youth Entrepreneurship Challenge con su innovador dispositivo de monitoreo y purificación de agua, Water World. They received a $5,000 prize to develop their venture. Recibieron un premio de 5.000 dólares para desarrollar su empresa. The competition, organized by the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, highlighted the entrepreneurial talent of young people from around the world. El concurso, organizado por la Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, puso de relieve el talento empresarial de los jóvenes de todo el mundo.