Jorge Masvidal plans 2025 UFC return, targeting high-profile fight against Leon Edwards. Jorge Masvidal planea el regreso de UFC en 2025, apuntando a una lucha de alto perfil contra Leon Edwards.
Jorge Masvidal, former UFC interim welterweight champion, is set to return to the UFC in 2025, targeting a high-profile fight against Leon Edwards. Jorge Masvidal, ex campeón interino de peso welter de la UFC, regresará a la UFC en 2025, apuntando a una lucha de alto perfil contra Leon Edwards. Masvidal, who retired in 2023 following a losing streak, is eager to prove his skills against top contenders. Masvidal, que se retiró en 2023 tras una racha perdedora, está ansioso por demostrar sus habilidades contra los principales contendientes. Despite the UFC not confirming the return, Masvidal is confident a fight with Edwards will happen, fueled by their longstanding rivalry. A pesar de que la UFC no confirma el regreso, Masvidal confía en que una lucha con Edwards sucederá, impulsado por su rivalidad de larga data.