Montana Poet Laureate Chris La Tray discusses his memoir "Becoming Little Shell" at a Billings library event on August 28. El poeta de Montana Chris La Tray discute su memoria "Becoming Little Shell" en un evento de la biblioteca Billings el 28 de agosto.
Montana Poet Laureate Chris La Tray speaks at a Billings library event on August 28 to celebrate his new book, "Becoming Little Shell: A Landless Indian's Journey Home". El poeta de Montana Chris La Tray habla en un evento de la biblioteca Billings el 28 de agosto para celebrar su nuevo libro, "Becoming Little Shell: A Landless Indian's Journey Home". The memoir explores La Tray's personal journey, the history of the Little Shell Chippewa Tribe and the Métis people, and his connection to his Indigenous roots, including his time in Seattle pursuing rock-star dreams and on reservations in the late 1990s. Las memorias exploran el viaje personal de La Tray, la historia de la tribu Chippewa de Little Shell y el pueblo Métis, y su conexión con sus raíces indígenas, incluido su tiempo en Seattle persiguiendo sueños de estrella de rock y en reservas a fines de la década de 1990. The event is part of Northern Plains' Lessons from Indigenous Organizing series and open to the community. El evento es parte de la serie de lecciones de organización indígena de Northern Plains y está abierto a la comunidad.