Former "Suits" actor Patrick J. Adams joins "The Madison" spinoff of "Yellowstone" as Russell McIntosh. El ex actor "Suits" Patrick J. Adams se une a "The Madison" spinoff de "Yellowstone" como Russell McIntosh.
Former "Suits" actor Patrick J. Adams joins the cast of "The Madison," a spinoff series to the popular show "Yellowstone." El ex actor "Suits" Patrick J. Adams se une al elenco de "The Madison", una serie spin-off al popular programa "Yellowstone". Adams will play Russell McIntosh, a young investment banker, alongside lead Michelle Pfeiffer, who was previously announced for the series. Adams interpretará a Russell McIntosh, un joven banquero de inversión, junto a Michelle Pfeiffer, quien fue anunciada previamente para la serie. The show, set in modern-day New York City, follows a family moving to the Madison River Valley of central Montana after a plane crash. El espectáculo, ambientado en la moderna ciudad de Nueva York, sigue a una familia que se muda al valle del río Madison del centro de Montana después de un accidente de avión. Created by Taylor Sheridan, "The Madison" is a heartfelt study of grief and human connection. Creado por Taylor Sheridan, "The Madison" es un estudio sincero del dolor y la conexión humana.