Matt Damon appreciates his private life compared to Ben Affleck's scrutinized relationship. Matt Damon aprecia su vida privada en comparación con la relación escrutada de Ben Affleck.
Matt Damon expressed gratitude for his "boring" lifestyle that keeps him away from constant scrutiny faced by his friend, Ben Affleck. Matt Damon expresó su gratitud por su "aburrido" estilo de vida que lo mantiene alejado del constante escrutinio que enfrenta su amigo, Ben Affleck. Damon, who has been married to Luciana for 19 years, said he was fortunate to avoid the attention and scandals that often plague celebrities. Damon, que ha estado casado con Luciana durante 19 años, dijo que tuvo la suerte de evitar la atención y los escándalos que a menudo plagan a las celebridades. His comments come as Affleck's relationship with Jennifer Lopez has once again been under the spotlight, with rumors of a separation intensifying. Sus comentarios vienen como la relación de Affleck con Jennifer López ha estado una vez más bajo el foco de atención, con rumores de una separación que se intensifica.