Roth Capital upgraded Solitario Resources' stock to a strong-buy rating with a $2.00 target price.

Roth Capital upgraded Solitario Resources (NYSEAMERICAN:XPL) stock to a strong-buy rating, with Q2 2024 earnings estimated at ($0.01) EPS, Q3 2024 at ($0.03) EPS, Q4 2024 at ($0.03) EPS, FY2024 at ($0.08) EPS, Q1 2025 at ($0.01) EPS, Q2 2025 at ($0.01) EPS, Q3 2025 at ($0.03) EPS, Q4 2025 at ($0.03) EPS, and FY2025 at ($0.10) EPS. Roth Mkm initiated coverage on Solitario Resources with a buy rating and a $2.00 target price.

June 14, 2024
6 Articles

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