Teamwork Financial Advisors sold 295 shares of Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF, and Fulcrum Equity Management bought 28,017 shares of Global X MLP ETF. Teamwork Financial Advisors vendió 295 acciones de Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF, y Fulcrum Equity Management compró 28.017 acciones de Global X MLP ETF.
Teamwork Financial Advisors sold 295 shares of Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF (MLPX), reducing holdings to 15,424 shares. Teamwork Financial Advisors vendió 295 acciones de Global X MLP & Energy Infrastructure ETF (MLPX), reduciendo sus tenencias a 15,424 acciones. Fulcrum Equity Management purchased 28,017 shares of Global X MLP ETF (MLPA) worth $1.24M, making up 1.5% of its portfolio. Fulcrum Equity Management compró 28.017 acciones de Global X MLP ETF (MLPA) por valor de 1,24 millones de dólares, lo que representa el 1,5% de su cartera. ETFs invest in energy equity and track MLPs/energy infrastructure companies. Los ETF invierten en acciones energéticas y rastrean MLP/empresas de infraestructura energética. Notable investors include Morgan Stanley, UBS Group AG, Bank of America Corp DE, Wells Fargo & Co MN, and Gradient Investments LLC. Los inversores notables incluyen Morgan Stanley, UBS Group AG, Bank of America Corp DE, Wells Fargo & Co MN y Gradient Investments LLC.