Celebrities, including Vicky Pattison, join secret reality show "The Underdog: Josh Must Win" on E4, working together to ensure Josh wins. Celebridades, incluida Vicky Pattison, se unen al reality show secreto "The Underdog: Josh Must Win" en E4, trabajando juntos para garantizar que Josh gane.
Vicky Pattison and other celebrities join a secret reality show, The Underdog: Josh Must Win, on E4. Vicky Pattison y otras celebridades se unen a un reality show secreto, The Underdog: Josh Must Win, en el E4. The stars work together to ensure Josh wins, while the other contestants think they're competing in a popularity contest hosted by Nick Grimshaw. Las estrellas trabajan juntas para garantizar que Josh gane, mientras que los demás concursantes creen que están compitiendo en un concurso de popularidad organizado por Nick Grimshaw. Vicky Pattison asks fans to "be kind" as she stars in this "never-seen-before" reality show. Vicky Pattison pide a los fans que "sean amables" mientras protagoniza este reality show "nunca antes visto".