Netflix's medical drama "Doctor Slump," starring Park Hyung Sik and Park Shin Hye, experiences viewership surge in the second half. El drama médico de Netflix "Doctor Slump", protagonizado por Park Hyung Sik y Park Shin Hye, experimenta un aumento de audiencia en la segunda mitad.
Netflix's medical drama "Doctor Slump," featuring top South Korean stars Park Hyung Sik and Park Shin Hye, has seen a surge in viewership as it enters the second half of the show. El drama médico de Netflix "Doctor Slump", protagonizado por las principales estrellas surcoreanas Park Hyung Sik y Park Shin Hye, ha experimentado un aumento en la audiencia a medida que entra en la segunda mitad del programa. The series experienced a ratings drop during the Lunar New Year but has bounced back with both domestic and international viewers tuning in. La serie experimentó una caída en los ratings durante el Año Nuevo Lunar, pero se ha recuperado con espectadores nacionales e internacionales sintonizándola. Meanwhile, K-drama "Flex X Cop," led by Ahn Bo Hyun, has achieved double-digit ratings. Mientras tanto, el K-drama "Flex X Cop", dirigido por Ahn Bo Hyun, ha logrado índices de audiencia de dos dígitos.