Iconic footballer Stan Bowles, known for his time at QPR and representing England, dies aged 75 after battling Alzheimer's. El icónico futbolista Stan Bowles, conocido por su paso por el QPR y representando a Inglaterra, muere a los 75 años tras luchar contra el Alzheimer.
Stan Bowles, iconic footballer known for his time at Queens Park Rangers (QPR) and representing England, has died aged 75. Stan Bowles, futbolista icónico conocido por su paso por Queens Park Rangers (QPR) y representando a Inglaterra, falleció a los 75 años. Bowles, who had Alzheimer's disease, played for clubs including Manchester City, Nottingham Forest, and Brentford, scoring his only international goal for England against Wales in 1974. Bowles, que padecía la enfermedad de Alzheimer, jugó para clubes como Manchester City, Nottingham Forest y Brentford, y marcó su único gol internacional con Inglaterra contra Gales en 1974. QPR paid tribute to Bowles as "arguably the greatest to have ever worn our famous blue and white hoops." QPR rindió homenaje a Bowles como "posiblemente el mejor que jamás haya usado nuestros famosos aros azules y blancos".