Florida's court systems Slam Florida For High Fees and Fines for Low-Level Charges.

The American Bar Association's public defense group has released a report, revealing that Florida's court systems push low-income individuals accused of minor crimes into debt due to fines and fees they cannot afford. The report emphasizes that Florida's court rules fail to take into account a defendant's ability to pay or allow for reductions in fees and fines. Consequently, failure to pay often results in driver's license suspension, affecting over 700,000 Floridians. The report suggests that the state should cease suspending licenses for an inability to pay, and grant judges greater authority to reduce or waive fines and fees according to a defendant's ability to pay. However, Florida's court clerks' offices are required to raise money through fines and fees, which poses a challenge to implementing significant change.

February 12, 2024
4 Articles