China plans to merge its top 3 state-owned bad debt asset managers into China Investment Corp as part of financial institution reforms. China planea fusionar sus tres principales administradores de activos de deudas incobrables de propiedad estatal en China Investment Corp como parte de las reformas de las instituciones financieras.
China plans to merge three of its largest state-owned bad debt asset managers, China Cinda Asset Management, China Orient Asset Management, and China Great Wall Asset Management, into the country's $1.24 trillion sovereign wealth fund, China Investment Corp (CIC). China planea fusionar tres de sus mayores gestores de activos estatales de deudas incobrables, China Cinda Asset Management, China Orient Asset Management y China Great Wall Asset Management, en el fondo soberano de inversión de 1,24 billones de dólares del país, China Investment Corp (CIC). This move is part of China's ongoing plan to reform financial institutions. Esta medida es parte del plan en curso de China para reformar las instituciones financieras. The extent of the transfer of the three asset managers was not specified in the report. En el informe no se especifica el alcance del traspaso de los tres gestores de activos.