During an episode of Wheel of Fortune, host Pat Sajak yelled at contestant Angela, "Shut up!" to which the audience responded in a variety of ways. Durante un episodio de Wheel of Fortune, el presentador Pat Sajak le gritó a la concursante Angela: "¡Cállate!" a lo que el público respondió de diversas maneras.
Presenter Pat Sajak abruptly yelled, "Shut up!" El presentador Pat Sajak gritó abruptamente: "¡Cállate!". at contestant Angela on a recent episode of "Wheel of Fortune" after she joyfully yelled the same thing while winning the game. a la concursante Angela en un episodio reciente de "Wheel of Fortune" después de que ella gritó alegremente lo mismo mientras ganaba el juego. Some viewers thought this was funny, but others thought it was offensive. Algunos espectadores pensaron que esto era divertido, pero otros pensaron que era ofensivo. Ryan Seacrest, who will co-host with Vanna White, will take over for Pat Sajak, who has been hosting the program since 1981. Ryan Seacrest, quien será copresentador con Vanna White, reemplazará a Pat Sajak, quien presenta el programa desde 1981.