Keira Knightley, known for "Pirates of the Caribbean," vows to avoid major Hollywood franchises due to tough conditions. Keira Knightley, conocida por "Piratas del Caribe", promete evitar grandes franquicias de Hollywood debido a las duras condiciones.
Keira Knightley, who rose to fame in "Pirates of the Caribbean," says she will not work on major Hollywood franchises again due to grueling schedules and lack of control over her career. Keira Knightley, que llegó a la fama en "Piratas del Caribe", dice que no volverá a trabajar en las principales franquicias de Hollywood debido a los horarios agotadores y la falta de control sobre su carrera. She faced intense scrutiny and personal challenges during the franchise, including rumors of an eating disorder. Enfrentó intenso escrutinio y desafíos personales durante la franquicia, incluyendo rumores de un trastorno alimenticio. Knightley now prefers roles with more balance and will next star in Netflix's "Black Doves," releasing December 5. Knightley ahora prefiere roles con más equilibrio y será la próxima estrella en "Black Doves" de Netflix, lanzando el 5 de diciembre.