Chargers host Ravens in "Harbaugh Bowl III," featuring many shared coaching and playing ties. Los cargadores albergan a Ravens en "Harbaugh Bowl III", con muchos entrenadores y lazos de juego compartidos.
The Chargers are hosting the Ravens in what's being called the "Harbaugh Bowl III." Los Chargers están hospedando a los Ravens en lo que se está llamando el "Harbaugh Bowl III". The game features several connections between the teams, including head coaches and players who have previously played or coached for both sides. El juego cuenta con varias conexiones entre los equipos, incluyendo entrenadores principales y jugadores que han jugado o entrenado previamente para ambos lados. This matchup highlights the close ties between the two NFL organizations. Esta coincidencia pone de relieve los estrechos vínculos entre las dos organizaciones de la NFL.