Disney's 2025 lineup unveils new seasons of popular shows and introduces "Alien: Earth" and "Chad Powers." La alineación de Disney 2025 desvela nuevas temporadas de espectáculos populares e introduce "Alien: Earth" y "Chad Powers".
Disney's 2025 TV lineup includes new seasons of "The Bear," "Andor," and "Daredevil: Born Again," along with a new "Alien" series titled "Alien: Earth." Disney's 2025 TV lineup incluye nuevas temporadas de "The Bear", "Andor", y "Daredevil: Born Again", junto con una nueva serie "Alien" titulada "Alien: Earth". The trailer also announced a second season of "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" and a new drama series "Chad Powers" starring Glen Powell. El trailer también anunció una segunda temporada de "Percy Jackson & the Olympians" y una nueva serie dramática "Chad Powers" protagonizada por Glen Powell. Specific release dates were given for "Ironheart" (June 24, 2025) and "Skeleton Crew" (December 3, 2024). Se dieron fechas de lanzamiento específicas para "Ironheart" (24 de junio de 2025) y "Skeleton Crew" (3 de diciembre de 2024).