53-year-old Kenyan acrobat Mathias Kavita leads 22 African students in a 2-month Chinese government-sponsored acrobatics program in Wuqiao County, China.

53-yr-old Kenyan acrobat Mathias Kavita, who trained in China 40 years ago, leads 22 acrobatics students from Kenya, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone & Eritrea in a 2-month program in China's Wuqiao County - the cradle of Chinese acrobatics. The program, sponsored by the Chinese government, aims to share Wuqiao's ancient acrobatics with African students. Kavita's work in Kenya has inspired many children, and the skills learned in China have greatly influenced acrobatics training in Africa, fostering grassroot ambassadors for cultural exchange between China and Africa.

August 28, 2024
88 Articles