Kannada actor-director Rishab Shetty, National Award winner for Kantara, criticized Bollywood for negatively portraying India and expressed his wish to showcase his nation, state, and language positively.

Kannada actor and director Rishab Shetty, who won a National Award for his film Kantara, has criticised Bollywood for negatively portraying India. Shetty, in an interview with MetroSaga, stated that Indian films, particularly Bollywood, often show India in a bad light, and expressed his wish to showcase his nation, state, and language positively. His comments led to accusations that Kantara, Shetty's own film, also portrayed negative aspects of Indian culture. Shetty remains focused on his upcoming projects, including Kantara: Chapter 1, set to release in early 2025.

August 20, 2024
18 Articles