Kenyan court rules police killing of Pakistani journalist Arshad Sharif in 2022 unlawful, orders government to compensate family 10 million shillings, and demands investigations into officers involved. Un tribunal de Kenia declara ilegal el asesinato policial del periodista paquistaní Arshad Sharif en 2022, ordena al gobierno que indemnice a la familia con 10 millones de chelines y exige investigaciones sobre los agentes involucrados.
Kenyan court rules police killing of Pakistani journalist Arshad Sharif in 2022 was unlawful and unconstitutional, orders government to compensate Sharif's family 10 million shillings ($78,000), and demands authorities to conclude investigations into the officers involved. Un tribunal de Kenia dictamina que el asesinato policial del periodista paquistaní Arshad Sharif en 2022 fue ilegal e inconstitucional, ordena al gobierno que indemnice a la familia de Sharif con 10 millones de chelines (78.000 dólares) y exige a las autoridades que concluyan las investigaciones sobre los agentes involucrados. The court criticised Kenya's attorney general and director of public prosecutions for their handling of the case. El tribunal criticó al fiscal general y al director del ministerio público de Kenia por su manejo del caso.