House of the Dragon Season 2, Episode 4, titled "A Dance of Dragons," features a climactic battle between Rhaenyra's and Alicent's families, resulting in dragon combat and significant casualties. House of the Dragon Temporada 2, Episodio 4, titulado "Una danza de dragones", presenta una batalla culminante entre las familias de Rhaenyra y Alicent, que resulta en un combate de dragones y bajas significativas.
House of the Dragon Season 2, Episode 4, titled "A Dance of Dragons," delivers a thrilling and intense battle sequence that fans have been eagerly awaiting, as the war between Rhaenyra's family at Dragonstone and Alicent's at King's Landing reaches a climax. House of the Dragon Temporada 2, Episodio 4, titulado "A Dance of Dragons", ofrece una emocionante e intensa secuencia de batalla que los fanáticos estaban esperando ansiosamente, mientras la guerra entre la familia de Rhaenyra en Dragonstone y Alicent en King's Landing alcanza un clímax. This episode features the dragons finally engaging in combat, resulting in significant casualties and emotional turmoil. Este episodio presenta a los dragones finalmente entrando en combate, lo que resulta en importantes bajas y agitación emocional. The rivalry between Aemond and Aegon, as well as their respective alliances, escalate throughout the episode, further complicating the power struggle in Westeros. La rivalidad entre Aemond y Aegon, así como sus respectivas alianzas, se intensifican a lo largo del episodio, complicando aún más la lucha por el poder en Poniente.