A man was fatally shot by police during a traffic stop in Collierville, TN. La policía mató a tiros a un hombre durante una parada de tráfico en Collierville, Tennessee.
Tennessee Bureau of Investigation probes fatal shooting in Collierville involving a police traffic stop. La Oficina de Investigaciones de Tennessee investiga un tiroteo fatal en Collierville que involucró una parada de tráfico policial. During the stop, 30-year-old Antwon Booker, allegedly grabbed for an officer's gun during an altercation, leading to another officer firing his weapon, killing Booker. Durante la parada, Antwon Booker, de 30 años, supuestamente agarró el arma de un oficial durante un altercado, lo que llevó a otro oficial a disparar su arma, matando a Booker. The TBI is currently investigating the incident, which occurred after Booker was stopped for speeding. El TBI está investigando actualmente el incidente, que ocurrió después de que Booker fuera detenido por exceso de velocidad.