12,336 Coca-Cola shares worth $691,000 bought by Lakeshore Financial Planning Inc. in Q3. 12.336 acciones de Coca-Cola por valor de 691.000 dólares compradas por Lakeshore Financial Planning Inc. en el tercer trimestre.
12,336 shares of The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO) were bought by Lakeshore Financial Planning Inc. in the third quarter, valued at approximately $691,000, making up 0.4% of the company's investment portfolio. Lakeshore Financial Planning Inc. compró 12.336 acciones de The Coca-Cola Company (NYSE:KO) en el tercer trimestre, valoradas en aproximadamente 691.000 dólares, lo que representa el 0,4% de la cartera de inversiones de la empresa. Several other hedge funds and institutional investors, including Moneta Group Investment Advisors LLC, Norges Bank, and Morgan Stanley, also bought or sold shares of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo during the fourth quarter. Varios otros fondos de cobertura e inversores institucionales, incluidos Moneta Group Investment Advisors LLC, Norges Bank y Morgan Stanley, también compraron o vendieron acciones de Coca-Cola y PepsiCo durante el cuarto trimestre.