Mattress Mack's "Gangsta" ad blends street terms in promoting a sale at Gallery Furniture, sparking mixed reactions. El anuncio "Gangsta" de Mattress Mack combina términos callejeros para promocionar una venta en Gallery Furniture, lo que generó reacciones encontradas.
Mattress Mack's new "Gangsta" commercial is gaining attention as he appears to mix "Lean" and use street terms about a sale at his furniture store, Gallery Furniture. El nuevo comercial "Gangsta" de Mattress Mack está ganando atención ya que parece mezclar "Lean" y usar términos callejeros sobre una venta en su tienda de muebles, Gallery Furniture. The Houston multi-millionaire has garnered mixed reactions, with some believing he is promoting drug use and others praising his marketing strategy. El multimillonario de Houston ha generado reacciones encontradas: algunos creen que está promoviendo el consumo de drogas y otros elogian su estrategia de marketing.