Country band Parmalee incorporated their 2010 shooting incident into their song "Gonna Love You," sharing their story of unconditional love and band member support during that challenging time. La banda de country Parmalee incorporó el tiroteo de 2010 en su canción "Gonna Love You", y compartió su historia de amor incondicional y apoyo de los miembros de la banda durante ese momento difícil.
Country band Parmalee didn't initially intend to revisit their 2010 shooting incident while creating their song "Gonna Love You." La banda country Parmalee inicialmente no tenía la intención de volver a visitar el incidente del tiroteo de 2010 mientras creaba su canción "Gonna Love You". However, as the creative process unfolded, they felt it was the right time to share their story. Sin embargo, a medida que se desarrolló el proceso creativo, sintieron que era el momento adecuado para compartir su historia. The song is about unconditional love and how the band members supported each other through the difficult times they experienced. La canción trata sobre el amor incondicional y cómo los miembros de la banda se apoyaron mutuamente en los momentos difíciles que vivieron. The shooting incident involved an attempted armed robbery that left the band's drummer, Scott Thomas, wounded from three gunshots with a 5% chance of living. El incidente del tiroteo involucró un intento de robo a mano armada que dejó al baterista de la banda, Scott Thomas, herido de tres disparos con un 5% de posibilidades de sobrevivir.