Jadestone Energy signed a 55-month gas deal with PetroVietnam Gas for Nam Du and U Minh fields offshore Vietnam, with an initial daily supply of 80 million ft³/day.

Jadestone Energy has signed an initial gas sales and purchase agreement with PetroVietnam Gas for the Nam Du and U Minh gas fields offshore Vietnam. The agreement sets a daily contract quantity of 80 million ft³/day under a take-or-pay arrangement over a targeted minimum plateau period of 55 months. Jadestone Energy, which holds 100% working interests in the NDUM fields, anticipates significant upside potential around existing discoveries and an expected first gas date in late 2026. The agreement also prepares the submission of an updated field development plan for the Nam Du and U Minh fields, crucial for advancing toward a final investment decision of the project.

January 26, 2024
4 Articles